The U.S. Department of Labor’s monthly nonfarm payrolls report is one of the most important economic indicators traders track. It is published on the first Friday of each month and contains data on the number of new jobs in the United States, as well as average wages.

This information can have a significant impact on the forex markets as it provides insight into the health of the US economy.

Why else is it important for traders to know about nonfarm payrolls? In this article we decided to examine this issue in detail.


What are nonfarm payrolls?

Nonfarm payroll data, released in the monthly jobs report, is one of the most important economic indicators tracked by investors, traders and financial analysts. They reflect the total number of jobs created in the United States for the month, excluding government employees, private household employees, self-employed workers, non-profit employees, unpaid volunteers, and agricultural workers.

If the number of jobs is growing, it means that the economy is growing and companies are creating new jobs. This could lead to higher stock prices as investors become more optimistic about the future of the economy. However, it should be remembered that an increase in non-farm employment can also lead to an increase in inflation. This is because companies must pay higher wages to attract and retain employees. Accordingly, this leads to higher prices for goods and services, which can reduce the purchasing power of consumers.


Employment data and economic analysis

Nonfarm payroll growth and the unemployment rate are the report’s key indicators, but economists and policymakers also use other data from the report to assess the state of the economy and predict its future.

The report contains information on the labor force that has a direct impact on the economy, the stock market, the value of the US dollar and Treasuries, and the price of gold. Here is the examples of information that may be of value to financial analysts and economists. Household survey data show trends in unemployment rates and participation rates that may be related to demographics. For example, if youth unemployment is rising, this may indicate problems with access to education or training. If the services sector is experiencing employment growth, this may indicate that the economy is shifting from manufacturing to services.


Impact of nonfarm payrolls

The difference between actual nonfarm payroll data and what economists expect is a key factor in determining the impact of nonfarm payroll on the market.

If employment data turns out to be below expectations, this could lead to a weakening of the US currency. Conversely, if employment data turns out to be higher than expected, this could lead to a strengthening of the US dollar and optimism among traders.

ParadTrade conducts monthly webinars on nonfarm payrolls. We recommend joining if you want to learn more about the nuances of trading based on US economic data.